Heritage Institute for Policy StudiesHIPS Bulletin
690dcaa7-ebc6-4ee1-9dbc-eeba078ee493.pngThe Heritage Institute for Policy Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit policy research and analysis institute based in Mogadishu, Somalia.Latest Policy Brief:
UNBLOCKING SOMALIA’S FEDERAL ARRANGEMENTDownload the full report hereLatest Report:SECURITY SECTOR REFORM IN SOMALIA: Challenges and OpportunitiesDownload the full report here
  DISTRICT COUNCIL FORMATION THROUGH INDIRECT ELECTION IN SOUTHWEST STATE OF SOMALIA: Ameans To DemocratizationSouthwest state is the third oldest federal member state, only preceded by Puntland
and Jubbaland in Somalia’s fledgling federal arrangement. It consists of three regions (provinces), Lower Shebelle, Bay and Bakol and 18 districts, and has the most diverse number of clans in the country. Although no accurate census data are available, it is also thought to be one of the most populated regions in Somalia. Over the last seven years, a clamor for democratization, decentralization of authority and the formation of local governments through an indirect election has been growing in the state. This study explores Southwest’s attempts to form local district councils through indirect elections mediated by elders – a process that is more democratic than the practice of direct appointments.Download the full report hereGobolka Koofurgalbeed waa gobolka saddexaad ee ugu da’da weyn maamulgoboleedyada dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya. Waxa uu ku dhalasho xigay dowlad goboleedyada Puntland iyo Jubbaland. Maamul-goboleedkani waxa uu ka kooban yahay saddex gobol oo kala ah Shabeellaha Hoose, Bay iyo Bakool iyo siddeed iyo toban degmo. Gobolkani waxa uu ka mid yahay gobollada ugu kala duwanaanshaha badan marka loo eego qabiilooyinka degan. Inkasta oo aan la haynnin tirakoob sax ah, haddana gobolkan waxa loo tixgaliyaa in uu ka mid yahay gobollada ugu dadka badan Soomaaliya. Todobadii sano ee u danbeeyay, waxa gobolka ka hanaqaaday kacdoonno dimuqraadiyadeed, maamul-daadajin iyo dhismaha golayaasha deegaanka, iyada oo loo marayo doorasho dadban. Haddaba cilmibaaristani waxa ay u kuurgalaysaa heerka ay gaarsiisantahay in ay Koofurgalbeed dhisto dowlado hoose oo dimuqraadi ah; iyada oo u maraysa doorashooyin dadban oo ay lafdhabar u yihiin odayaashu– waa hannaan
loo fasiro in uu ka dumuqraadisan yahay hab-dhaqanka magacaabista tooska ah.Halkaan kala soo deg daraasadda oo dhamaystiran
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